Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

November 1st

The end of trimester one has ended, we must all work harder for the coming, harder, trimesters :v

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The New Calculator Page

If you haven't noticed, there is a new page on my blog, entitled "Calculator". Every Thursday, there will be a new question to improve your calculator skills. Week 2's question has just been posted, and the answer will be shown next Thursday.

Monday, September 6, 2010

New Page Update

Just updated the Videos page. It now features the latest video, with the date it was posted, the tags, category, description, and a picture. :D

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Computer not messed up anymore!

Somehow, probably I actually shut down my computer, my google chrome is working again!
yay :D

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Computer is messed up D:

Well, my dad had a left over copy of Windows Vista in his room. So, I tried to install it, but some error happened, and now, my Google Chrome is messed up! D:
It won't even work. For my next option, I had to try, "shudder", Firefox. That didn't work either. Now I have to stick with Internet Explorer until my dad comes back, so we can format my whole computer to Windows 7.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I'm going to add a new feature: email newsletters.
You can subscribe/unsub to these emails anytime. I'll get to work on it this weekend for sure!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Second Day was a Blast!

Except the fact I was late to my first class because I didn't know where to go.
I'm never late :<

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Video Added: Mousepad

This one is about me unboxing my free mousepad. Credit to my mom for holding camera c:

Back from first day! :D

Wow, that was so cool! The first day- I got to meet all my friends, meet all my clases, and all my teachers. I can see this being one of the best school years of my life.

Except the fact I can go on the computer on weekends :x

Sunday, August 8, 2010

One more day! D:

Yeah, no picture today because Niven is lazy. One more day until school starts!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Counter-Strike: Source Beta Reopened

Product Update - Valve
Starting today the Counter-Strike: Source Beta will be available to all PC Counter-Strike: Source players. As we continue to update CSS and address issues, we want to make sure to not destabilize the core game. By releasing updates to CSS Beta first, we will be able to solicit community feedback before those changes are applied to CSS.

If you would like to be part of the group that helps us test future updates of Counter-Strike Source, please join the Beta - simply install and launch "Counter-Strike: Source Beta" from your games list in Steam. To give feedback on the changes, report bugs, or offer suggestions, please use the CSS Beta forum. Don’t worry, you can join the Beta program and still play the standard Counter-Strike: Source at anytime. The Counter-Strike: Source Beta is currently not available on Mac.

Here are the change notes for today's CSS Beta release:

  • Fixed prediction errors that were causing greater weapon inaccuracy (bullet spread) on client than server.

  • Made the bomb the primary target of a USE command. This fixes a problem with objects placed around the bombsite interrupting defuse attempts. 

  • Fixed the ‘skating’ behavior that could occur when a bomb planting attempt was aborted. Also fixes the resulting out of sync hit boxes.

  • Fixed bug in which a player who crouches rapidly and repeatedly was seen as stationery by other players.

  • Fixed problem in which the sound of a reload that was occurring when a player was killed persisted into spectator mode, making it sound like a reload was taking place near the spectated player.

  • Gave chat interface priority over scoreboard to reduce conflict between the two.

  • Increased size of HUD icons.

  • Fixed bug with env_hudhint that caused problems when its value was greater than 255 characters. 

  • Added fcvar_archive flag to mat_hdr_level, r_rootlod, r_waterforceexpensive.

  • Made the message of the day screen dismissible by hitting ENTER.

  • Improved the look of the font on the achievement toast.

  • Fix servers not being to set sv_hudhint_sound

  • Added console variable cl_hudhint_sound

  • Added cvar sv_enablebunnyhopping, defaulted to 0. ( A value of 1 autotags the server with "bunnyhop" )

    Additionally, we've made some Counter-Strike Beta only changes to simplify perf testing. These changes only exist in Counter-Strike Beta and will not affect Counter-Strike:

  • Disabled HDR

  • Disabled vsync

  • Disabled motion blur

  • Disabled stats

  • !!!

    New Updates to Garry's Mod

    Product Update - Valve
    Updates to Garry's Mod have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

    Garry's Mod
    • Fixed server freezing
    • Fixed Cloudscript failing in non english
    • [TTT] Changed ragdoll (corpse) carrying to be easier
    • [TTT] Changed fall damage to be lower if you land on another player, and made it damage them as well
    • [TTT] Changed mute team key for spectators to F2 (was Alt)
    • [TTT] Added version number to game description in server browser, with an asterisk if custom weapons are present
    • [TTT] Added quick switch to slot 7 and back under the Noclip key, or with "ttt_equipswitch"
    • [TTT] Added "ttt_quickslot (number)" command for switching to a slot without the menu
    • [TTT] Fixed corpse data networking to be more reliable
    • [TTT] Fixed Silenced Pistol not letting you take pistol ammo
    • [TTT] Fixed replaced player spawn ents not taking effect until the second round
    • [TTT] Fixed error in weapon spawning fallback for weaponless maps
    • [TTT] Fixed issue where carried objects would jitter
    • [TTT] Fixed Traitor crosshairs not being red
    • [TTT] Fixed DNA Scanner and Binoculars world model being visible when held
    • [TTT] Fixed error spam when a voice indicator was created for a nonexistent player
    • [TTT] Fixed damage by thrown props not getting attributed to the throwing player

    Thursday, August 5, 2010

    Niven's Blog is up!

    Well, seeing my school is starting in a couple of days, I decided to start my own blog. This blog will have
    -Blockland Stuff, meaning private finished add-ons, scripts, etc
    -News Updates on my life, lol
    -Others I'm to tired to list right now.

    Well, I will make it a habit to post at least once a day. See ya'll soon!